Choosing your Ideal Critique Group Environment

By CaraMarie Christy

Location is key to the efficiency of a critique group because it will set the mood, the pace at which the group functions, and the rate at which its participants develop their skills. Just as a grim setting on the written page can induce a sense of nervousness in a reader, a positive work environment can create a feeling of productivity and energy for crit group partners. There are few places where a critique group could not meet, given new advances in online conference calls, like Skype. For those critics who wish to meet in-person, some potential work spaces offer more benefits than others. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of common meet-up locations:

Coffee Shops/Bookstores- “I believe humans get a lot done, not because we’re smart, but because we have thumbs so we can make coffee.” – Flash Rosenberg. These are some the best places to set up workshops, as they are often designed to promote “comfort”—e.g. big comfy chairs, tables, and internet access. The issues with this sort of location are lack of crowd control and the occasional need to get permission from store owners to use the facilities. Starbucks is famous for allowing people to use their facilities as work spaces for free but, because of this, there are hours in which the stores become overcrowded with business. Too many people trying to work at once creates a chaotic environment. To prevent this, writers need to schedule around store “rush” hours and plan alternative locations if the primary becomes impractical.

Library- “A library is the delivery room for the birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life.”- Norman Cousins. There is something to be said for writing literature in a sea of novels and novellas, as though creativity can be obtained through osmosis. Libraries are usually free to use and include numerous spaces with chairs and tables to hold meetings. However, in the middle of that sea, are other readers and writers trying to work, which can lead to whispered meetings or noise complaints. Often, libraries have rooms that can be reserved for community use, where critics can be free to be talk without disturbing other workers. Using these can require contacting library administration, who will clear up the regulations and terms of use of these facilities. Critics interested in using a library’s conference room should be prepared to justify their group’s validity and reasons for meeting. Some libraries allow only non-profit organizations to use their meeting rooms.

Playground/Park/Outdoors- “Nothing coaxes jumbled thoughts into coherent sentences like sitting under a shade tree on a pleasant day.” – Carol Kaufman, NY Times. Some writers benefit from fresh air. It can be relaxing and studies show that sun exposure helps establish a strong sleep cycle, increase Vitamin D absorption, and can cause stress relief and relaxation, all of which can lead to more energy to put towards writing and editing. There is also easy access to outdoor facilities. However, fighting the urge to lie out in the sun can be counter-productive to writing group goals. If the group is one for casual chat and critique, then this would serve its purposes. But a serious push for studying requires sitting up, paying attention, and having all participants actively engaged in discussion. There is also a problem for critique groups, in that if any one of their members has allergies, staying outside for an extended period of time becomes a challenge.

Home- “You will never feel truly satisfied by work until you are satisfied by life.” –Heather Schuck – This is a location with easy access and atmosphere control, having a critique group member volunteer their own home means that no one has to ask anyone in administration, like the coffee shops and libraries, for permission and there is no fear of disturbing other workers. The downside of using this environment is the distinction between a “work zone” and a “relaxation zone.” It’s important to have a work-life balance. Productivity increases with routine, at home routines can involve watching television and eating meals, instead of working on written content.

Diner/Restaurant/Bar- “First we eat, then we do everything else.” – M.F.K. Fisher. A favorite environment with many writers is a local diner, restaurant, or bar. These places offer the availability of substantial food and refreshment, unlike coffee shops which only provide sugary foods and drinks. Often times, if staff are tipped well and managers don’t mind, critique groups can meet here without having to confer with anyone beforehand. Typically, diners and bars are well-crowded and conversation is a norm, so there is no fear of interrupting another patron trying to work. The downsides of these environments are if the diner not selected well, the meals they provide can be expensive and that plates of food can often leave little room for writing samples and workshop notes. The work usually has to begin after the table is cleared.

All-Time Top 7 Time Travelers in Literature

By Tiffany Foster

Mankind has always been fascinated by the concept of time. It’s how we know our meeting is running too long or when our popcorn is done. Time travel has hooked us into books, television shows, and movies for as long as each medium has existed.

If we didn’t love time travel so much, Doctor Who would’ve been canceled decades ago. Well, it was. . . but they brought it back!

For centuries, our literature has questioned how time effects humanity, and how we would be affected if we could manipulate time.  Readers obsession with time travel has strong foundations in classic and modern literature, and here are some of our favorite travelers in time.


Hermione Granger from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling


In the biggest nerd move in history, Hermione becomes a time traveler in order to make it to all of her classes. However, when faced with the execution of an innocent man, Hermione and Harry break every rule about time travel in order to save Sirius Black. Hermione, entirely anxious about paradoxes, manages to save the day with her knowledge of the future and avoids any irreconcilable paradoxes, once again proving her absolute brilliance. #brightestwitchofherage

What is amazing about Hermione as a time traveler is her knowledge and strategic manipulation of time. Most time travelers find themselves in another time by accident and have next to no control over where they are and what happens to them. Hermione respects the power of time travel, and she manipulates it with extreme care. She could’ve used the Time-Turner to win bets, cheat on her exams, or at least do this one more time. . .

. . . But noble Hermione’s only abuse of time travel is to save someone she doesn’t even really know.


Billy Pilgrim from Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut

Vonnegut’s character Billy Pilgrim is a leaf on the breeze as he bounces from time to time with absolutely no control. Billy hops from his time serving in WWII to his abduction by extraterrestrials.


slaughterhouse 5

The alien Tralfamadorians, who see all of time existing simultaneously, and Billy begins to see time similarly. Also, the Tralfamadorians look like this:


Yes, it’s a toilet plunger with a hand and an eye.

What makes Billy Pilgrim a unique time traveler is his complete lack of control. Often times in science fiction, time travel is a way to try to control what no one should. Billy in no way affects or changes time, and he holds no authority over time. Instead, Billy believes there is almost no use in trying to control time at all. So it goes. However, Vonnegut suggests Billy’s apathy is wrong by making us uncomfortable with Billy’s acceptance of the inevitable.


Hank Morgan from A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court by Mark Twain

Thrown into King Arthur’s Court, Hank is the epitome of know-it-all American mentality. During his time in the past, he proceeds to completely revolutionize and simultaneously destroy King Arthur’s Court. Hank’s transformation of the Middle Ages begins with his introduction of technology that he uses to convince everyone he is a wizard – which doesn’t fly with Merlin because he doesn’t like Hank moving in on his turf. Ultimately, this pissing contest climaxes in a Tarantino-style bloodbath. Yeah, you’re right – that didn’t happen in the Bing Crosby movie.


Mark Twain is still turning is his grave over this one.

Hank’s my-way-or-the-highway approach to time travel is emphasized in more modern (and silly) interpretations of Connecticut Yankee in films like Army of Darkness and A Kid in King Arthur’s Court.

Similar to Eckels from “Sound of Thunder” (who’s later on our list), Hank is arrogant in his manipulation of time and hardly considers the consequences of his actions. Ultimately, both characters destroy society.


Dana Franklin from Kindred by Octavia Butler

Dana is different from our other time travelers because she travels within the timeline of her ancestors. Living in the 1970’s, she is suddenly taken back to the 1800’s where she encounters her slave and slave-owner ancestors. She is pulled back and forth between times, and she even manages to bring her husband with her. She becomes a great influence in her ancestor Rufus’s life by repeatedly saving his life, despite the fact that he is a slave-owner and a rapist.

Which probably felt a lot like this.

Dana is an amazing time traveler because she has a strong and meaningful influence on her ancestors and ultimately her own future. Although she is pulled back into the past unwillingly, she finds a purpose there and does her best to maintain her ancestry.

Eckels from “Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury


Of course Simpsons did it.

Eckels is very similar to Hank Morgan and is the exact opposite of Hermione and Dana. Eckels pays ten grand to go back in time to shoot a Tyrannosaurus Rex in a Walter Palmer approach to feeling like a winner. However, Eckels chickens out almost immediately, and despite strict rules requiring trophy hunters to stay on the path, Eckels spastically tramples a butterfly as he tears off the path like a baby.This causes the entire future to take a different path in an extremely literal butterfly effect. Don’t worry. Like most things, it’s better than the Ashton Kutcher movie.Butterflyeffect_poster

Eckels is an awesome time traveler because he represents the arrogance of time travel. Despite being a skilled hunter in his own time, he wishes to destroy the earth’s most terrifying creature in an act of showmanship. When confronted with the terror that is an actual T-Rex, he recognizes his hubris and promptly wigs out.

Every action Eckels makes is entirely selfish and self-motivated. In the end, Bradbury shows us where being an egotist gets you – a world that looks suspiciously like Biff’s in Back to the Future II.

Wade Linwood from Wade of Aquitaine by Ben Parris

meme14 (1)
Wade is a time traveler who suddenly finds himself in the early Middle Ages, once known as the Dark Ages. Similar to Burroughs’s John Carter, Wade travels across the astral plane; however, instead of using a mystery cave with magical gases, Wade is thrown across time as a combined effect of an acupuncture treatment and his synesthesia (crossed senses). Wade’s synesthesia is one of the strongest and most complex in existence, and his connection to another complex synesthete, Kreindia, draws him to her.


this is wade

The novel as a whole manages to mesh fantasy, hard science, and factual history to create an interesting one-of-a-kind time travel series. Additionally, Wade makes for an even more interesting time traveler because his crossed senses create bizarre but engaging connections and skills. Also, he truly attempts to adjust to the time period instead of ruling it with his knowledge of the future. This sets him apart from the Connecticut Yankee’s Hank Morgan. More like Kindred’s Dana Franklin, Wade finds himself helping to preserve the most critical features of the past instead of trying to rewrite it.

The Time Traveler from The Time Machine by H.G. Wells

 photo timemachine.gif

Considering the protagonist’s name is literally “The Time Traveler” and the novel coined the term “time machine,” this one pretty much had to be on the list. Our Time Traveler (who many people know as “George” from the 1960 movie version classic) finds a way to travel into the future using his time machine. Once there, what he discovers is disturbing: A reciprocal society where one group, the Eloi, appear to be in charge of the Morlocks, a class of people who live below ground, but the reality is the Eloi are in fact the Morlocks’ food source.

Despite the Traveler’s time machine being less epic than this time machine –

– the Time Traveler is one of the few travelers we see visit the future. Billy Pilgrim only visits the future once in the entirety of Slaughterhouse Five, which makes the Time Traveler our only real future traveler. He goes beyond anything he knows, understands, or has experienced. Future time travel is terrifying, and the Time Traveler faces it head on – making him the ballsiest of our time travelers.

Crit Etiquette: Forming a Critique Group that Suits your Objective

By CaraMarie Christy

The difference between a book group and a critique group is that the former is created to study literature, usually without any of the authors present, and the latter is to share work-in-progress with other writers for the mutual benefit of each participant. Those who choose to form critique groups can desire different outcomes from the effort that they invest. Productivity is subjective and depends on the end goal of the individuals who initially decide to form the new critique group. An end goal can be anything from improving grammatical skill to discovering new story ideas, or simply obtaining a better understanding of readers. Forming a group is most fulfilling when the group’s activities match most of the participants’ end goals. The focuses of the critique groups below can be mixed and matched to create critique groups that will fit various writer needs.

Skill Building– “Am I doing this right?”- This is the best way to start off a critique group for new writers. The idea behind this type of group is to focus on construction rather than content. Many writers, even professionals, make mistakes in formatting dialogue, common grammar, and switching tenses mid-story. However, if these skills are drilled often enough, writers can see a significant improvement until formatting and grammar become second nature. A great way to get this type of critique, without having to dedicate copious amounts of workshop time toward it, is to produce hard copies or email copies of work to other group members. By making use of the Track Changes function of Microsoft, which can be found under the Review tab, writers can make comments on pieces they have received and then return them to the owner without altering the original work. Through this, group members can work on the grammar and formatting of their piece on their own time and reserve critique time for a different focus.

Concept Forming- “J.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis walk into a bar.”- This form of group is less about how the words are written, and more about the overall picture that the words form. To approach this style of group requires some form of mutual respect in its participants, because favorable concepts are going to vary based on a writer’s opinion. A famous partnership, and example of this, was that of J.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, who used to throw around ideas with each other over drinks. Once J.R. Tolkien stated that no novel would ever be successful if it were to include a lamppost, which gave C.S. Lewis his famous idea for using a lamppost as the iconic image for his magical world in The Chronicles of Narnia.

Social Interaction- “Writers choose a lonely life.” Some writers are only out to touch base with other writers, read manuscripts, and receive/give encouraging comments. These kinds of groups give writers affirmation of their skills that they cannot provide for themselves. The problem with this sort of critique group is the heavy possibility for a lack of commitment. If meetings are only casual, members will not feel a strong need to prepare or show up to the meetings. To prevent this, a group can build into their workshop fun exercises (for example which will help writers stimulate their creative senses and give them a reason to look forward to the workshop.

Mock Readership- “Would you buy this?”- This is a group to choose if the profitability of the work is the primary objective. This is the hardest type of critique group to form, as it requires a great deal of planning to form a group who will be subjective, with no personal bias to distract from the analysis and whether they would rate the piece favorably. For example, a friend might rate a piece of work at a higher value than a non-acquaintance. This type of group is also only productive if everyone in the group fits the “target audience” for the types of work that are being presented. If someone who writes mystery novels presents their work to a romance reader it might not receive the type of feedback that they are looking for. Few critique workshops are meant to be styled like this.

Crit Etiquette: What is Fair Game and What is Not

by CaraMarie Christy

There is no set of concrete rules for how to approach critique etiquette, or critiquette, as it’s been called. However, those who participate in a workshop/critique group should hold themselves to a standard of professionalism that encourages the productivity and continuity of the group. It’s difficult to know what these ideals are, what is considered acceptable and what is not, especially when most comments made in critique groups and workshops are, assumedly, an effort toward producing good literature and not an opportunity to vent. Here are some common critiques broken down into instances in which they might be acceptable and other times when they might be taken as counterproductive:

Character/Story/ Style Critique- “I don’t like what your character did.” These are the hardest critiques to give and receive, because they can often come across as unduly subjective and unhelpful. Characters in fiction cannot be censured for their misbehavior. However, there are some times when such comments are extremely beneficial to writers, though they should be more carefully crafted than the example given above. If a critic has a strong sense of who the character is, what they are likely to do, and can justify that “what the character did” is not in line with how the character has previously acted, then this critique is valid. A way to rephrase this opinion in line with useful critiquette would be to say, “I’m having trouble believing that your character would do this because of [insert reasoning here].” There are rare times when this critique is acceptable because of the character’s immorality. Numerous popular stories about serial killers fly off the shelves. If the character’s offense is so grotesque that it could be seen as a threat to readership (it makes readers stop reading) then it might be suitable to ask the writer to consider having the offense done “off screen” or, in other words, not in the view of the reader.

Format Critique- “Your story is too short/ long.” This is a critique that can work well, given that it has proper backing and the critique is also given with an identification of where the writer could shorten/lengthen the story. What a critic often means by this is that the pacing feels wrong. If a story is too short, then some of the scenes need to be fleshed out more, or there needs to be more background information. Focusing on description rather than action can also lengthen the feel of a scene. If a story is too long, then perhaps certain scenes need to be cut, focusing on those that would not impact the story’s arc. A solution for this problem is to take a favorite book, highlighting slow portions of the text with one color and the fast with another, to get a sense of how these even out in a story.

Factual Critique- “What happened in your story is impossible due to… (the laws of physics, human behavior, my experience, etc).” There are three versions of the factual critique to look out for: those that have been researched, hearsay, and overgeneralizations. Two of these are not professional and should be avoided during workshops: overgeneralization and hearsay. Overgeneralizations are not facts. An example of an overgeneralization is, “You can’t make the dog the hero in this story, because one time a dog bit me, so therefore all dogs are evil.” Hearsay is when a critic points out a flaw based on assumptions they’ve heard, but has not bothered to make sure that their critique is a fact. It allows for reasonable doubt about that comment’s accuracy. A well-researched and established fact is the most productive input.

Specific Detail Critique- “I don’t like when I can’t pronounce the character’s name. If you ever want anyone to read your work ever, you should change it!” –. The above statement, which is common in critique groups, is simply not true. A lot of great books have characters with difficult names, most notably “Hermione” in J.K. Rowling’s famous Harry Potter series. In her fourth book, after massive amounts of fans requested the pronunciation, Rowling cleared up the confusion by having one of her characters sound out the name phonetically. Few would argue though, that no one read the Harry Potter books until after book four. The best way to approach a specific detail critique is to look at the work as a whole. Does changing this detail cause any change to the theme as a whole? Does it help improve on the theme or verisimilitude of the piece? If not, then the detail might be inconsequential and a matter best left to the writer’s personal choice.